Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Please don't fall over

Yes, I know you can't believe that I am finally updating the blog. What is the special occasion you may ask? I figured people would want to know how the death of Michael Jackson has impacted our family. Or, perhaps you want something else to read about if you are like us and are sick of hearing about it :-)

But, seriously, it has been a busy few months. For those who have not heard, I resigned my position with the school district and will be working from home. I have started a company that specializes in smocked clothing for children and am also getting ready to launch another website. I will be purchasing a professional grade embroidery machine that will allow me to do appliques and monograms. I have been accepted to several Jr. League Holiday Fairs throughout the South and Brent and I will be traveling on Oct and Nov selling smocked dresses and monogramming. I also have some events coming up at the local mall and at some consignment sales. We are praying it will be a success. My website is still not finished but it is my second site will open in August So, you can see why I haven't had time to update everyone!

We went to Florida for the Fourth of July to visit with Nana and Grampie Turner and the aunts, uncles and cousins. Yes, I am over the shock of Nana and Grampie taking off to Florida for the Summer. It was a quick transition from working full time with them downstairs to staying at home alone. But, as I type this, Matthew is asleep and Ana Kate is chewing on a toy.

Both kiddos are doing well. Matthew crawls backward quite well and Anna Kate is getting there. Matthew's helmet came off after only 2 months. We are thankful for the great results! He went for his first haircut a few weeks ago.

I promise to try to be better about updates. I am posting a few beach pictures we took last weekend and will post more photos soon. Please pray for work for Brent, that my business ventures will be successful and that the kids will continue to meet their developmental milestones.

Much love-
Wendy, Brent, Matthew and Anna Kate

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Much Needed Update

Hello everyon. I am going to try to post some new pictures ASAP. All is well in Turner Land. Before I forget, please consider sponsoring our family for this Saturday's March for Babies. We have set a goal of $250. We have had one donation so far. Because I am not a computer wiz-the banner on the blog says something like "help support my friend"-but those contributions go to our family team of Matthew, Anna Kate, Mom, Dad, Nana and Grampy Turner and some of their friends and the Baker's from our church. So, please consider if you would be interested in making a donation.

Our trip to Massachusetts went well. The kids did great on the flight and although it was a busy time at home-they did great. They were happy to be at Nanny's suprprise 90th birthday pary. With the exception of a dead battery when we returned to Charlotte-it was an uneventful trip.

Mattew got his helmet on Monday. By Saturday he will be wearing it 23hours per day. So far, it hasn't seemed to bother him. Both kids did well at their second NICU follow up visit. They are on track developmentally for their adjusted age. We do need to work on rolling over-but they are doing well besides that. They do very well in their exercausers and are growing and changing everyday. Matthew seems to be developing faster with speech and Anna Kate has better muscle control and strength. It is interesting to see how they are changing and developing differently. Overall, Matthew's personality continues to be more laid back and Anna Kate is a little more high strung. Just like their Mom and Dad :-).

Friday, April 3, 2009

Helmet . . .here we come!

We took both kids to be evaluated last Tuesday. Matthew will be getting a band (Helmet) in the next few weeks. Hopefully it will help round out his head so his ears align. I will try to add more info and pictures once we get the helmet.

We are flying to MA tomorrow morning to see my family. I have had a cold all week and the kids have now come down with it. We are driving to Charlotte in the morning and flying to Boston around 11:00. Please pray that the kids do well on the plane. We will be returning Thursday.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Appointment next Tuesday

Matthew has an appointment next Tueday at Orthopedic Services to have his head shape evaluated. They will determine if they want to start the banding (helmet) process right away, or give it some more time. Anna Kate's head had been a little misshapen-but hers is much better.

This week is going to be spent getting ready to travel to Massachusetts. We will be leaving next Saturday. I am sure it will be an adventure!

I was just thinking that it was a year ago this week that we found out we were expecting triplets. Our family has experienced many emotions this past year. We are thankful for the two wonderful children he has given us to raise on earth and our precious son we will get to see again in heaven. Many of you have been here to support us during this past year and we truly appreciate it. I will try to take some photos this week to post!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sponsor our Walk

Our family of four (and anyone else who wants to join us) will be participating in the March of Dimes fundraising walk at the end of April. Our family goal is to raise $250. Brent and I decided this would be a great thing to do as a family each year. We can walk not only in memory of Andrew, but also in celebration of the two beautiful children we still have with us.

If you would like to sponsor our team, you can go to or click on the banner at the top of the blog.

I haven't made the page look all "pretty" yet, but it will serve the purpose.

We take Matthew back to have his head checked this Tuesday. We will probably end up going for a scan to have a helmet made. Please pray that it will be covered by insurance. I will try to post later in the week to let everyone know of the outcome!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Getting Bigger Every Day

The kids had their well-check this week. Although they are seven months now-this was their 6month check up. The doctor was very pleased with their progress. Anna Kate was 13lbs 5 oz and Matthew was 15lb 50z. Both kids can now roll from their stomach to their back and are drooling like crazy! Anna Kate had decided she likes to suck on her hand. Just this morning Grampy said he woke up to hear her sucking away! Both kids have a great disposition and literally wake up smiling! I hope to be able to post some of the Easter photos we had taken in the next week or so.